A lifestyle blog capturing family life, love and adventure!

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Food for Thought

Love Wings? Get the Perfect Bite!

Today had been an eventful day! Aside from practicing good social distancing due to the unfortunate COVID-19 event, my family and I had a pretty good day! The girls and I did some home-school activities, did some chalk art on the driveway and then took a nice little stroll in the neighborhood. On the other …

It's Life!

Happy National Lash Day!

HAPPY NATIONAL LASH DAY!! If you’re as big of a lash fan as I am, then you’ll love what I’m about to share with you! Before I introduce you to this amazing invention, I’d like to tell you a little about my background with false lashes. To put it in short… I hated them! I’ve …

It's Life!

A Childhood Game of WAR!

Have you ever thought back to the times when you were very young, and all you could think about were those awesome games that you use to play with your siblings or cousins? I know that I do! With so many moments floating around in my head…even with my horrible memory, there are several things …

It's Life!

3…2…1…Happy New Year!!

Hello Everyone! Happy New Year, and welcome to my blog “Capturing Life with Love”! My name is Thesia (pronounced ‘Tee-Sha’), and I am super excited to finally be launching this dream of mine! I am a wife, mother of 2 beautiful girls, proudly serving this Great Nation and living life to the fullest in good …