Hello Everyone! Happy New Year, and welcome to my blog “Capturing Life with Love”! My name is Thesia (pronounced ‘Tee-Sha’), and I am super excited to finally be launching this dream of mine! I am a wife, mother of 2 beautiful girls, proudly serving this Great Nation and living life to the fullest in good ‘ole Oklahoma City. For those who know me… one of my main goals in life is to be able to venture the world with my family. In order to accomplish that, I’ve taken on many side-hustles, on top of my full-time job, to be able to afford the luxury of travel for this amazing family of four! I have a feeling this one is going to be the most exciting!!

With my phone containing over 28,000 photos and almost 2,000 videos…I’d like to say that I’m a professional photographer; however, that is also a dream that I hope to achieve someday! One of the things that I am thankful for in 2019 was being awarded my Bachelors of Science in Graphic Design from Full Sail University. With my love of photography and expressing myself through creative outlets, I may direct my focus to a career that deals with photography. Right now, I’m just focusing those skills on capturing all these beautiful moments that we create as a family, especially during vacation.

Team Westmoreland

The year 2019 had brought the perfect mix of blessings and hardships into my life, but I’ll tell you what… I wouldn’t change a thing about any of it! All I can say is that when something amazing happened, it inspired me to believe that I could do anything, be anything. And when I was faced with adversity, it only made me stronger, because I knew that the Lord Almighty couldn’t possibly throw anything my way that I couldn’t handle! These events had only prepared me for the amazing things that I know that 2020 has in store for me!

Now we know that the New Year is a time that we look forward to. It’s the time in which we get to put our resolutions into effect, whether it be to lose weight, save more money, eat healthier or anything of the such. Even I know that these resolutions, although they sound easy, do not always stick once we’ve kicked off. But here’s something to think about… if you’re New Year’s Resolution is to work out 3 times a week, and there was a week where you fell off the wagon… “It’s okay!” It is not the end of the world! We are only human, and nobody is perfect! If something like that happens, just pick yourself back up and get at it again! A New Year’s resolution isn’t meant to throw you to the wolves of what you are trying to accomplish for yourself. It is more to motivate and inspire you to be better. Just take it one day at a time. You’ve got this!

Okay…I’m going to get off of my soap box about resolutions, since today you are already one step closer to becoming a better you. Now, I just wanted to share a little New Year’s experience that I feel everyone needs to witness at least once in their lives. If you love traveling just as much as I do, I highly recommend taking a red-eye flight on New Year’s Eve going into New Year’s. My family and I had spent two weeks in Hawaii for Christmas, and our flight started to taxi out about 10 minutes before midnight. With only a few minutes left in the countdown to end 2017 and welcome 2018, we were in the air by the time the fireworks started lighting up the Hawaiian skies. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever witnessed from the air, and even this video that I want to share with you doesn’t give this experience much justice. You definitely have to see it for yourself!

I hope you all have a Happy New Year’s, and once again…welcome to my blog! I’m truly grateful that you are here!

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Hey there! My name is Thesia (pronounced 'Tee-Sha'), and I'm so happy that you're here! This blog captures my inner thoughts of family life, our travel ventures, exploration as foodies and the many fits and giggles of life, especially motherhood. May it brighten up your day and inspire you in creating the life that you've dreamt of!